English Beyond Borders
English Language Training
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English Beyond Borders
English Language Training
Welcome to ABC International Learning Management System (LMS).
To get started, simply click on the button below.
Course Curriculum
4 Courses have been designed to develop the student’s language skills, from Level 1 where students have had no formal English training.
Live Tuition
Book a live session with an ABC International Tutor
- (30 minutes – 100R)
- Monday to Sunday
- 24 / 7
Study at ABC Training Centre
Study at ABC International Training Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa
Numbers Speak
Grammar Course Levels

- Alphabet
- Alphabetical order
- Verbs
- Nouns

- Articles
- A, An, Some
- Singular and Plural
- Countable and Uncountable Nouns
- Collective Nouns
- The Verb To Be Present Tense

- The Verb To Be Past Tense
- The Verb To Be Future Tense
- The Verb ‘To do"
- The Verb ‘To Have’

- It
- Here
- There
- There Is
- There was and There were
- There will be

- Present Tense
- Past Tense
- Regular Verbs
- Irregular Verbs
- Used To
- Simple Future Tense

- The Negative Present
- The Negative Past
- The Negative General
- Simple Questions
- Questions with Relative Pronouns

- Pronouns
- Personal Pronouns
- Subject Pronouns and Object Pronouns
- Reflextive Pronouns
- Possessive Pronouns
- Demonstrative Pronouns
- Indefinite Pronouns

- Adjectives
- Comparative Adjectives
- Superlative Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Prepositions

- Present Continuous Tense
- Negatives in the Present Continuous
- Questions in the Present Continuous
- Present Continuous with Future Meaning
- Past Continuous Tense
- Future Continuous Tense

- The Present Perfect Tense
- Present Perfect and the Past Simple
- Passive Tense

- The Bare Infinitive and the Gerund
- For, Since and Ago
- Conjunctions

- Phrasal Verbs
- Modals
- One and Ones

- Do and Make
- Indirect Speech
- Too, Either, So and Neither

- Gender
- Homonyms and Homophones
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- Simile

- Simile
- Punctuation

- Articles and Nouns
- Adjectives and Adverbs
- Conjunctions
- Tag Questions

- Determiners
- Reported Speech
- Relative Clauses

- Present Simple Tense
- Present Continuous Tense
- Past Simple Tense
- Past Continuous Tense

- Present Perfect Tense
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- Used to

- Present Continuous as the future
- Future Simple Tense
- Future Continuous Tense
- Future Perfect Tense
- Future Perfect Continuous Tense
- Going to

- General Modals
- Modals continued
- General Conditionals
- Mixed Conditions
- Gerund and infinitive

- Simple Passive
- Infinitive Perfect and Continuous Passive
- Complex Passive

- Prepositions
- Phrasal verbs
- Exercises on Phrasal Verbs
- Tense Test Exercises
Vocabulary Course Levels

- Numbers
- Time

- Calender

Seasons And Weather

- Colours And Shapes
- The Body

Family And Health

- Food And Drink



- Leisure

- Holidays And Traditions

Shopping And Services


Education And Careers


- Environment

- Unit 1
- Unit 2
- Unit 3

- Unit 4
- Unit 5
- Unit 6

- Unit 7
- Unit 8
- Unit 9

- Unit 10
- Unit 11
- Unit 12

- Unit 13
- Unit 14
- Unit 15

- Unit 16
- Unit 17
- Unit 18

- Unit 19
- Unit 20

- Unit 21
- Unit 22

ABC International was established in April 1994, by the founder Kim Wetzl, following South Africa’s first democratic elections in South Africa.
A good knowledge of English opens doors of opportunity and success. At ABC International, we help you realise your goals. We provide students with the language skills needed to prepare them for college and career readiness and helps students refine the skills necessary for the development of English academic literacy and Communication.
Our dynamic English Language Programme is designed to cater for the diverse cultures and learning styles of our students. We use the latest technology available to reinforce teaching standards and to achieve excellence in Communication.
With over 26 years of experience in the field of English Language and Communication Training, and an Alumni of 40 000 students, ABC International offers students from all over the world the same winning formula that sets us apart from other English language schools.
To be recognised as a leading global provider of English Language Training for individuals whose mother tongue is not English.
ABC International provides stimulating, growth-orientated learning environments and curricula. We value our role as an educational leader, embracing change and encouraging the discovery of each student’s potential.
We deliver high-quality and relevant spoken and written English Language Programmes to diverse communities.
We are committed to teaching excellence, comprehensiveness, lifelong learning, partnership building and economic development.
Acceptance of individuals on the basis of individual worth regardless of race, religion or socio-economic background.
Recognition of the common bonds between all members of the human race together with the uniqueness of every individual. Celebration of the multi-cultural diversity of the global community.
What Our Students Have to Say

It is a great English school, I mean, the best one in Africa. I liked studying there from Elementary until Advanced 2 because they have permitted me to learn English very well. Before I came to ABC, I was the worst English student in my country and I didn’t know how to speak, write and understand English, but now when I look at me speaking, understanding or writing in English, it’s so amazing. Sometimes I can’t believe my eyes. I became better than before. ABC International realized my dream. I’m so proud of being there.